Recipe development
The recipe is a technological document developed for multicomponent products, which establishes the list and ratio of the components used: raw materials, materials, semi-finished products.
Developing an exact recipe is a complex process that requires deep knowledge. It is necessary to know the organoleptic, physico-chemical, microbiological and other indicators of the products produced, the compatibility of ingredients, the norms of raw materials, standards of waste and losses during production
and, of course, legislation.
every stage
Preliminary analysis
We analyze legislation, GOSTs, STB and other legal acts, compliance with which is mandatory
Reviewing your application
for a recipe in your niche
Preparing for development
We draw up a list of raw materials, materials and ingredients for your recipe, and also conduct trial production of samples
Checking and making improvements
We adapt the mass fractions of substances and carry out other procedures to ensure the safety of human health and environmental protection
Quality control
We evaluate the consumer characteristics of samples
with the help of tasting commissions
Document preparation
We outline, draw up a draft document (recipe) in accordance with all standards and double-check it
We carry out a sanitary and hygienic examination of the recipe and obtain conclusions based on the results
Ready solution
We fully approve the document. As a result, you receive the rights to the original recipe that meets all requirements